Elder's Ridge Vocational School
1910, the Elder's Ridge Academy fell on hard times but was financially rescued
by the Rochester and Pittsburgh Coal Company. However, in 1914 the school
ceased and was restructured as the Elder's Ridge Vocational School. Although
a number of influential citizens discussed the idea of a high school, it was
decided that graduates of a vocational school would be of more value to the
community. This was the first state-supported school of its kind in Pennsylvania.
Just as the Academy enjoyed many years of success and acclaim, so did the Vocational
School. Although academic subjects were taught, the emphasis was on practical
training in areas such as agriculture for male students and home-making for
female students. Tuition to the school was free to those who passed the entrance
exam. A number of the buildings used by the Academy were used by the Vocational
School. In 1937, the Vocational School ceased and became a high school.
In 1954, the main high school school building was named in honor of Rev. Donaldson,
the founder of the Elder's Ridge Academy.
Clarence D. Stephenson, Indiana County, 175th Anniversary History,
vols. 3, 4
(Indiana, Pennsylvania: Halldin Publishing, Company, 1979, 1983), 336-38, 103.
Photo and additional information: courtesy Indiana County Historical Society,
Indiana, Pennsylvania,
Ridge Academy folder.